Simon Newby Untitled (Underworld)
Untitled (Underworld)
Edition of 10 + 3 AP
Dimensions variable
£150 (+ £15 Postage and Packaging)
Simon Newby’s edition for OUTPOST is modelled on a draftsman’s set square. Made from transparent acrylic, three of the editions were shown in the gallery as part of the exhibition Underworld. In each of the editions, the middle hole has slipped from its usual place, a few millimetres or completely. The square hangs from a signal black screw, and depending on the light conditions projects shadows or copies of itself on to the wall.
Untitled (Underworld)
Edition of 10 + 3 AP
Dimensions variable
£150 (+ £15 Postage and Packaging)
Simon Newby’s edition for OUTPOST is modelled on a draftsman’s set square. Made from transparent acrylic, three of the editions were shown in the gallery as part of the exhibition Underworld. In each of the editions, the middle hole has slipped from its usual place, a few millimetres or completely. The square hangs from a signal black screw, and depending on the light conditions projects shadows or copies of itself on to the wall.
Untitled (Underworld)
Edition of 10 + 3 AP
Dimensions variable
£150 (+ £15 Postage and Packaging)
Simon Newby’s edition for OUTPOST is modelled on a draftsman’s set square. Made from transparent acrylic, three of the editions were shown in the gallery as part of the exhibition Underworld. In each of the editions, the middle hole has slipped from its usual place, a few millimetres or completely. The square hangs from a signal black screw, and depending on the light conditions projects shadows or copies of itself on to the wall.